“Lythe and listin, gentilmen,
That be of frebore blode;
I shall you tel of a gode yeman,
His name was Robyn Hode”
One of the earliest known surviving Robin Hood tales.
The proud outlaw yeoman Robyn Hode stood in Barnesdale with his fellow outlaws and waylaid travelers, though not targeting farmers, stealing from those who lie to him about their possessions. He enters the service of King Edward for about a year. Robin then leaves for the greenwood once more and lives there for twenty two years before being killed by his own kin the Prioress of Kirklees who betrays him when he comes to her for aid.
Characters Included[]
- Robin Hood (as "Robyn Hode")
- Little John (as "Litell Johnn")
- Will Scarlet (as "Willyam Scarlok")
- Much the Miller's Son (as Much the miller's son & "Lytell Much")
- Richard at the Lee (as "the gentyl knyght")
- Henry of the Lea (as the gentyl knyght's "sone")
- Lady of Verysdale
- "a knyght of Lancaster" - killed by the knight's son at a joust
- Abbot of St. Mary's (as a "ryche abbot" of Seynt Mari Abbey)
- Bishop of Hereford-here St. Mary's Cellarmaster (as "The heygh selerer")
- The justyce of Englonde
- a "yoman" wrestler-sometimes altered to David of Doncaster in later retellings
- Sheriff of Nottingham (as "sherif of Notingham")
- The Sheriff's cook (as "the coke")
- Bishop of Hereford/Benedictine monks (as "two blacke monkes"/"the heygh selerer")
- the monk's fifty-two men (as "a lytell page and a grome" and "two and fyfty wyght yonge yemen")
- King Edward (as "Edwarde, our comly kynge")
- Prioress of Kirklees (as "pryoresse of Kyrkely")
- Roger of Doncaster (as "Syr Roger of Donkestere")